Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What a girl wants, what a girl needs

On Saturday, April 30, girls in our community will be presented an opportunity.  An opportunity to [be bold].  While it might seem that girls today are all too often empowered to
be bold, go wild, do something crazy, etc. . . . . .
this opportunity affords a positive spin.  The purpose of the Be Bold Workshop is to empower girls and young women through building up their self esteem and encouraging goals and achievable dreams.  They'll discuss love, dating, sex, marriage, goal setting, and self image.  The workshop is open to girls ages 9 through 18.  

We believe this workshop is timely.  If you Google American girl, the first thing to pop up is the American Girl web page, featuring dolls, books, a magazine and more.  According to their website:
"You are great just the way you are!"  
That's the message American Girl magazine delivers to over 500,000 girls every month.

But is that what American girls believe?
 "One danger of online blogs and social networking sites is that your daughter may not be expressing what she really feels.  She may instead be writing what she thinks will entertain or impress her peers who read it." (1)

Regarding their looks. . .What are today's girls thinking?
  • 11,889 13-19 year-olds received Botox injections in 2009, up 2 percent from 2008.  (2)
  • By the time your 10-year-old is 50, she'll have spent nearly $300,000 on just her hair and face.  (3)
  • Eight - to 12-year-olds in this country already spend more that $40 million a month on beauty products, and teens spend another $100 million.  (4)
Does all this emphasis on beauty make for a healthier girl?
"Recent studies suggest that as many as one in five girls between 10 and 18 years of age are now cutting themselves with razor blades or burning themselves with matches, etc." (5)

Girls and fashion?
What are girls facing at the mall?  Check out this article:  Parents, don't dress your girls like tramps.  It's pretty insightful.

Young women in the entertainment field?
The current Billboard Top 100 #1 song is by Rihanna.  It's title?  "S&M".  You can Google the lyrics.  And coming in at #16 is P!nk's "F**kin' Perfect". 
"We are gradually penetrating the highest levels of the work force.  We get to go to college and play sports and be secretary of state.  But to look around, you'd think all any of us [girls] want to do is rip off our clothes and shake it." (6)
Disheartening information?  
 What's the future like for our 
     American girls?
"Clearly, we need to find other ways of showing girls that we care about them, even if they don't take off their clothes.  And as I've learned from my friends, who are truly good, it is never too late to show that you believe in someone.  Growth is always possible." (7)
Hopefully we really do believe in our girls.  
Maggie Middleton, one of our Match Specialists, will be on sight at the workshop.  She'll act as a confidante for any of the girls who want someone to talk with.  Amachi will also have an informational table set upBring your mentee, bring your daughter, help impact the life of a girl.  Call us for more information:  859.389.8279, or check out out this link:  Be Bold!

(1) From Girls on the Edge, written by Leonard Sax, M.D., Ph.D.
(2) Kathryn Stamoulis, Ph.D.From Psychology Today
(3) From Generation Diva, an article in Newsweek
(4) ibid
(5) Leonard Sax, M.D., Ph.D.
(6) From Female Chauvinist Pigs:  Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture, by Ariel Levy
(7) From The Good Girl Revolution, by Wendy Shalit

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Showers....

...Bring lots of fun!

Can you believe it's already April? It's Spring, and that means one sure thing for Amachi...lots of opportunities to have fun with your mentees! We are literally showered with lots of fun things. For information or to RSVP for any of the following, please call our office at 859-389-8279. Here's what's going on:

Upcoming Amachi Events:

1. Saturday, April 16th: Low Ropes Course (for middle and high school mentees and their mentors), 10 am-2 pm. This will be a really fun day of being outside, playing games, creative activities, and bonding with your mentees. You don't want to miss this!

2. Saturday, April 16th: Bunny Blast Party (for elementary aged mentees and their mentors) This will be a FREE and FUN event! Bring your mentees to Woodhill Park from 12-2 for a day of food, games, and lots of other fun activities!

3. Tuesday, April 26th: Mentor Development Forum, 6:30-9:00 pm. PLEASE make plans to attend this if at all possible. All mentors are invited to join us for an evening with Enterchange and Dr. Chris Kiesling. We will be learning about stages of youth development (and how understanding this will help you as you mentor). The evening will also include small group time, where you will have the opportunity to get to know and learn from other mentors.

4. Saturday, April 23rd: Community Easter Egg Festival (hosted by Vineyard Community Church) at Dixie Park, 11:00 am-1:30 pm. Members of Amachi staff will be there, and this will be a fun day of food, games, inflatables, and an easter egg hunt!

Other opportunities for you and your mentees:

1. Saturday, April 30th: Be Bold Workshop for girls ages 9-18, 8 am-5 pm. This will be a fantastic opportunity for our female mentees. This will be an all day workshop focusing on confidence and self esteem for young women.

2. Living Arts and Science Center-their April Discovery Night is coming up this Thursday. It looks really fun! Check out the website:

3. The Carnegie Center hosts "family nights" once per month. This month's night will be on the 15th and will be all about music! check out the site for more info:

4. Also, be sure to check out the community calendar from Lexington Family Magazine:

5. Sunday, April 10th: YMCA Healthy Kids Day Fun Fest, 2-5 pm., UK Nutter Field House. Free games, activities, inflatables, relays for all ages! Check out ymcaofcentralyky.org for more info.

6. Saturday, April 9th: Kite Festival, Noon-4 pm., Jacobson Park. Check out the website for more info: